Category: News
The case Linnea in Kalla Fakta
Laika examines the case Linnea, the prematurely born girl who died at the Karolinska Hospital in Sweden. We meet Linnea’s parents, who are still looking for the truth about what happened in the care of their daughter. The case Linnea received wide media attention after a doctor was accused of deliberately terminate prematurely born Linnea’s…
Pediatrician supports demands of investigation
Laika’s reportage about the case Linnea in Kalla Fakta has attracted the attention of many. In the reportage the parents demand the hospital to be investigated to shed light to the question of how the hypnotics thiopental could end up in Linnea’s body. Now, the parents get support from the doctor who was prosecuted for…
Kalla Fakta about the case Linnea
The death of the premature baby Linnea’s became one of the most high-profile court cases in recent years. An anesthesiologist at the Astrid Lindgren Children’s Hospital was charged with completing Linnea’s life with an overdose of sleeping pills. The doctor was acquitted. Linnea’s parents, Vanya and Tommy, are left with the unanswered question: what happened…
Toxic Playground now displayed in Russia
Laika’s multi award-winning film Blybarnen (Toxic Playground) has been sold to the Russian channel Russia Today. The channel is a Russian public service channel that broadcasts in English worldwide. The film Blybarnen are directors William Johansson and Lars Edman’s first film. Russia Today has bought the rights for Russia.
Limestone quarry stopped in court
Nordkalk denied permission by the Land and Environment Court for its planned limestone quarry on Gotland. Laika has previously examined the process in a reportage in Kalla Fakta and could show that the Geological Survey of Sweden has been sitting on double chairs. Read more here. Therefore Nordkalk is being denied permission for mining. The…
Lecture about our dark history
Erik Sandberg holds a lecturing in Jönköping on wednesday evening 21/9 about the history of racist thinking in Sweden based on the documentary serie Vår mörka historia (Our Dark History) that was broadcast at TV4 2009. More information: Avdelningar/Jonkoping/Forelasningar/
Blue Blood broadcasted in Norway
September the 19th the Norwegian NRK sends our documentary Blått blod (Blue Blood) about illegitimate descendants to the royal house.
Laikas Back to the Square selected for IDFA Forum
IDFA, the International Documentary Film Festival of Amsterdam, has selected Back to the Square to this year IDFA Forum. The documentary is directed by Claudia Lisboa and produced by Laika Film & Television. Back to the square is about Nada Ahmed who was one the protesters making the Tahrir revolution in Egypt happen.She’s now fighting…
Dumpad i Ghana. Nu kräver han skadestånd.
2001 publicerade Laikas producenter Erik Sandberg och Andreas Rocksén en serie om europeisk flyktingpolitik, Fortet Europa . Serien väckte mycket uppseende när den sändes i SVT. I ett av avsnitten avslöjades hur Sverige systematiskt skickade afrikaner med oklart ursprung till Ghana i Västafrika. En av de som hamnade där var Peter Ekwiri som själv hela…
Complaints of child abuse have increased dramatically in recent years, and nobody seems to really know why. At the same time the court have a milder view on adult violence against children. – There has been change from that the court previously regarded it as more serious when a child was abused to quite the…
“Missa den inte”
Dagens nyheter recenserar Sämre än djur och uppmanar tittarna att inte missa filmen på söndag. Se själv filmen den 4/10 kl 20 på SVT 2.