Tag: Essence of terror
Abdulahi Hussein lecturing in Karlshamn
Abdulahi Hussein held a much appreciated lecture at Vägga Gymnasium in Karlshamn. Abdulahi told how he with his live at stake, collected a lot of material that was used in the movie “dictatorship Prisoners”. Furthermore, he talked about the situation in the Ogaden region and the situation in Ethiopia in general.
Abdullahi Hussein awarded with the freedom of speech and freedom of press prize
“With his life at stake he smuggled out files that reveals the soul of the dictatorship. He showed the world that the courage of one man could make a change.” This is the motivation to why Abdullahi Hussein was awarded the Swedish Publicistklubben’s prize of freedom of speech and freedom of press to the memory…
Prosecutor to investigate war crimes in Ogaden
The International Public Prosecutors Office has decided to start an investigation of suspected war crimes against a number of identified politicians and military personel in the Ethiopian region of Ogaden. Pointed out are the regional president Abdi Muhamud Omar and the vice president Abdulahi Werer who was interrogator when two Swedish journalists were mock executed…