Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Letter to Obama in Palestinian competition

    Letter to Obama in Palestinian competition

    Laika’s and Mohanad Salahat’s short film “Letter to Obama” has been selected to participate in Palestine Days of Cinema, which will take place from 15 – 21th of October 2016 – The film has entered into competition for the Sun Bird Awards for “Best Short Narrative “. The film will be shown on: Ramallah, Khalil…

  • World premiere for Democracy Road in Bergen

    World premiere for Democracy Road in Bergen

    Turid Rogne’s documentary Democracy Road is chosen to compete at Bergen International Film Festival (BIFF) 20 to 28 September.   The film is a co-production between Norwegian Aldeles A / S and Laika Film and is a story about how Aye Chan Naing, chief editor of Radio and TV station The Democratic Voice of Burma…

  • Burma – a new-born democracy. Laika co-produces Democracy Road.

    Burma – a new-born democracy. Laika co-produces Democracy Road.

    Laika Film & Television enters as co-producer in a film about the Burmese transmission to democracy. The Norweigian filmmaker Turid Rogne has for more than ten years followed the exiled tv-channel Democratic Voice of Burma, (DVB). The station, based in Oslo, was an important channel of information during the 2007 prostest, the Saffron Revolution, when…

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